Trump vs. DeSantis 2024: ¿A quién prefieren los floridanos?

A los encuestados se les preguntó quién realizó un mejor trabajo en su cargo: Ron DeSantis como gobernador de Florida o Donald Trump como presidente de los Estados Unidos
Trump vs. DeSantis 2024: ¿A quién prefieren los floridanos?

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Florida will play an exciting role in defining the Republican nominee in the next presidential election in 2024, considering that two possible candidates, Donald Trump and Ron Desantis, reside in the Sunshine State. While Trump won Florida in the presidential election in both 2016 and 2020, DeSantis appears to be the favorite in Florida's Republican presidential primary, according to two polls released this month.

To make matters starker for Trump, the gap between the two candidates appears to be broad, as DeSantis vastly outpaces Trump among Florida Republicans, according to the poll conducted by Blueprint Polling, which gives DeSantis a 51/39 favorite for the GOP presidential nomination. 

The results of the other poll, conducted by ...

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